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Team Florescer Cuida de Você

Euler Rocha

Euler Rocha

Dental Surgeon graduated from the State University of Feira de Santana (Bahia/Brazil), with training in endodontics and fixed prosthesis. Specialist in the Family Health Program. 

Master's degree in Dental Medicine from CESPU University (Portugal). Dentist by the Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao/Spain).

Since 2016, he has been offering services at his Rocha Dental Clinic.

Sessions in Dutch, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Alexander Boersstraat 21/O, 1071 KV Amsterdam

My work

My values

My services

You can book the first contact with me through Florescer Cuida de Você.​ By doing so, you contribute to Florescer Holanda’s social responsibility actions and projects.

The eventual follow-up of your treatment will be agreed between you and me.

Rocha Dental Clinic

Rocha Dental Clinic offers a personalized first contact service with our Reception, in Dutch, English, Portuguese or Spanish. You can present your complaints and needs, learn about the services, receive the correct referral for your case, and schedule your appointment with your dentist.

The Rocha Dental Clinic team guarantees a personalized, relaxed treatment experience, within a pleasant environment and equipped with state-of-the-art materials and resources.


  • Dr Euler Rocha (BIG 59919265702) - General clinic, root canal treatment, crowns and whitening

  • Dr Tatyanne Florêncio (under supervision) - General clinic, orthodontics and child treatment

  • Dr Carmem (under supervision) - General clinic, aesthetics (veneers, prosthetics, crowns), TMJ problems

  • Dr Vitor Chitarra (BIG 69927511402) - Minor surgeries, extractions and periodontics

  • Dr Angel Puente (BIG 39917179502) - Implantology

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